For years we were asked to design our ADP (Adapted Dipole) technology around an in-wall application. But an ADP in-wall speaker? Hmm! That was a tough one. Listening test after listening test and a host of ‘almost theres’ ended up on the testing room floor. That’s because we’re perfectionists. We wanted the whole package: a large reverberant non-localized soundfield with full-range response (and yes, we do mean FULL RANGE!) supported by Paradigm’s Ultra-Rigid™ die-cast mounting system. On top of that, in this case, we wanted Paradigm Reference Signature sound … the ultimate in reference quality sound, in a class all on its own!
ADP Technology: Surround Sound the Way it was Meant to be Heard!
Conventional forward-radiating speakers cannot reproduce movie theater surround sound in your home. If they are loud enough for their sound to blend with the front speakers they draw attention to themselves. Turn them down so they don’t distract you and they won’t blend with the fronts. ADP reverberant surround/rear technology is a whole different story:
Just like movie theater speakers, Signature ADP technology envelops you in sound without drawing your attention away from the movie you’re watching;
It adds size and dimension to the soundstage;
It ensures a seamless transition when sounds and effects move from front and center speakers to surround and rear speakers;
It’s ideal for multichannel music too! The large non-localized soundfield adds multidimensional realism to the acoustic space.